Steph is Knittingsamurai on Ravelry
Maja by Agnieszka Rupnik in Lion Brand Cotton Ease
Sugar N' Cream for dishcloths
Steph's wearing her Sideways Grande Cloche by Laura Irwin from the book Boutique Knits
Piddleloop Sewing Team on Etsy makes some cool bags that we found out about through The Knit Girllls
What shawl should Steph knit with her Schaefer Anne in the pink, purple, yellow, green, orange color?
I know i am very far behind and you probably have already started a shawl, but how about a Clapotis or something like that. I knit a shawl for a test knit called the Impulse shawl which was a triangle shawl with dropped stitches and i loved that. it was very easy too.